Mount Windows Folder Share to the VMware ESX Service Console
Title:Mount Windows Folder Share to the VMware ESX Service Console
Author(s):Xtravirt (Gavin Jolliffe)
Target Audience:Technical - Intermediate
Current Revision:1.0 April 2008
First Published:1 April 2008
Products:VMware ESX Server 3.x
1.0 Overview
Guide to mounting a Windows folder share to the ESX Service Console.
2.0 Pre-Requisites
- An appropriate Windows local or domain account, and an available Windows file share
- Open firewall port for smbClient
- Create local mount point
- Ensure the Netfs service is started
- Modify Windows 2003 Local Security Policy (if required)
3.0 Tasks
From the local console or ssh session, eg: Putty, open the ESX firewall port:
esxcfg-firewall -e smbClient
Create a new local mount point, eg:
mkdir /tmp/smbmnt
Enable netfs:
chkconfig netfs on
service netfs start
service netfs start
If connecting to a Windows 2003 Server share log on as local admins to the server and open Administrative Tools (within Control Panel or Start/Programs). Open Local Security Policy, expand Local Policies -> Security Options, and set the following objects to Disabled if not already:
Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)
Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (if client agrees)
Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (if client agrees)
Go Start -> Run and enter gpupdate to refresh local policy. Also check that domain group policy is not overriding local policy.
From the ESX console run:
mount -t smbfs -o username=<username>/<domain>,password=<password> //<server name>/<share> /tmp/smbmnt/
To unmount the share run:
umount /tmp/smbmnt