Kubernetes more frequently pronounced as (K8s) it’s an open source container orchestration platform designed for running distributed applications and services at scale. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Kubernetes components can be logically split up into these two categories:
- Master (Control Panel): These components run on the master nodes of the cluster and form the control plane.
- Node (Worker): Applications and services running on the worker nodes to receive instructions and run containers.
Master (Control Plane) has following components. These components are responsible for maintaining the state of the cluster:
- etcd
- API Server.
- Controller Manager
- SchedulerEvery worker node consists of the following components.
Every worker node consists of the following components. These components are responsible for deploying and running the application containers.
- Kubelet
- Container Runtime (Docker etc)
These components are responsible for deploying and running the application containers.
It is a simple, key value storage which is used to store the kubernetes cluster data (such as number of pods, their states, namespaces etc). in simple words, it is the database of kubernetes. It is only accessible from the API server for security reasons. etcd enables notifications to the cluster about configuration changes with the help of watchers. Notifications are API requests on each etcd cluster node to trigger the update of information in the node’s storage.
Need to interact with your Kubernetes cluster? Talk to the API. The Kubernetes API is the front end of the Kubernetes control plane, handling internal and external requests.The kube-apiserver is responsible for API validation for all resource creation requests before the resources are actually generated and saved to the data store. Users can communicate with the API server via the kubectl command line client or through REST API calls.
Kubernetes manages applications through various controllers that operate on the general model of comparing the current status against a known spec. These controllers are control loops that continuously ensure that the current state of the cluster (the status) matches the desired state (the spec). They watch the current cluster state stored in etcd through the kube-apiserver and create, update, and delete resources as necessary. kube-controller-manager is shipped with many controllers such as:
- Node Lifecycle controller
- DaemonSet controller
- Deployment controller
- Namespace controller
Since Kubernetes is an orchestration framework, it has builtin logic for managing the scheduling of pods. The kube-scheduler component is responsible for this. Scheduling decision depends on a number of factors such as:
Resource requirements of the app
Resource availability across nodes
Whether the pod spec has affinity labels requesting scheduling on particular nodes
Whether the nodes have certain taints/tolerations preventing them from being included in the scheduling process
Resource requirements of the app
Resource availability across nodes
Whether the pod spec has affinity labels requesting scheduling on particular nodes
Whether the nodes have certain taints/tolerations preventing them from being included in the scheduling process
The kube-scheduler takes all of these considerations into account when scheduling new workloads.
The cloud-controller-manager is responsible for managing the controllers associated with builtin cloud providers. These controllers are dedicated to abstracting resources offered by individual cloud providers and mapping them to Kubernetes objects.
Cloud controllers are the main way that Kubernetes is able to offer a relatively standardized experience across many different cloud providers.
Cloud controllers are the main way that Kubernetes is able to offer a relatively standardized experience across many different cloud providers.
Node Components
The node, or worker, machines are the primary workhorses of Kubernetes clusters. While the master components handle most of the organization and logic, the nodes are responsible for running containers, reporting health information back to the master servers, and managing access to the containers through network proxies.
Container Runtime(Famously Docker)
The container runtime is the component responsible for running the containers within pods. Rather than being a specific technology as with the other components, the container runtime in this instance is a descriptor for any container runtime that is capable of running containers with the appropriate features. Docker, CRI-O and containerd are some of the popular options for container runtimes.
The kubelet component is an agent that runs on every worker node of the cluster. It is responsible for managing all containers running in every pod in the cluster. It does this by ensuring that the current state of containers in a pod matches the spec for that pod stored in etcd.
The kube-proxy component is a network proxy that runs on each node. It is responsible for forwarding requests. The proxy is somewhat flexible and can handle simple or round robin TCP, UDP or SCTP forwarding. Each node interacts with the Kubernetes service through kube-proxy.